Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are you a private person?

As in, you don’t disclose very much about yourself. You keep conversation about your personal life to the minimal.

Then I must say that you are building a Berlin wall between you and the people around you. I am not saying that any of us should be an opened letter, revealing all the contents. But I must say that being too private really make it difficult for people who wants to try to know you better and create conversations. Especially, when you are friends, colleagues… Be it in work, such understanding of a person, in my point of view, improves communications. At times, we are able to show sympathy when we are aware of the situation.

Of course, at the end of the day, we have to know the history why a person is/becomes private. Once bitten, twice shy?

phew~ Praise the Lord that I have a really good talk with her today, after more than a year. I don’t know what took her or us so long. Anyhow, is good that the distance has shortened now. At least that is how I felt. That distance has made me felt awkward for the longest time. I hope we can maintain this.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rest will Help

When was my last holiday?


Which means I have been stucked at work for 6 months. I am exhausted. I will have a trip in the last month of October but I really cannot wait.

Every morning, I pull myself out of bed. Sit at my cubicle and count down to 5.30pm. I am at a state of low morale, low motivation, lost of direction and lost of purpose. I am a walking zombie.

My heart and mind is crying out LOUD to me! They demanded a break.

From now onwards, I make sure I plan 2 holidays, every year! I promise, myself.